1. Males are most often both the victims and the perpetrators in 90% of homicides.

Source: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Homicide Trends in the U.S.: Gender. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/gender.htm

2. Over 85% of the people who commit murder are men, and the majority of women who commit murder usually do so as a defense against men who have been battering them for years. Ninety percent of the women in jail for murder are incarcerated for killing male batterers.

Source: Bass, A. (Feb 24, 1992). “Women far less likely to kill than men; no one sure why.”
The Boston Globe: p. 27.

3. Women commit approximately 15% of all homicides.

Source: Stark, E. (1990). Rethinking homicide: Violence, race, and the politics of gender. International Journal of Health and Services. 20 (1): 18.

4. More than 90 women were murdered every week in 1991; 9 out of 10 were murdered by men.

Source: Violence Against Women: A Majority Staff Report. Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate,102nd Congress. October 1992, p. 2.

5. Ninety percent of people who commit violent physical assault are men. Males perpetrate 95% of all serious domestic violence.

Source: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics. Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics Online. http://www.albany.edu/sourcebook/

6. The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 95% of reported assaults on spouses or ex-spouses are committed by men against women.

Source: Douglas, H. (1991). Assessing violent couples. Families in Society, 72 (9): 525-535.

7. It is estimated that 1 in 4 men will use violence against his partner in his lifetime.

Source: Paymar, M. (2000). Violent no more: Helping men end domestic abuse. Alameda, CA: Hunter House Publications.

8. Close to all – 99.8% – of the people in prison convicted of rape are men.

Source: National Crime Statistics.

9. Some 81% of men who beat their wives watched their fathers beat their mothers or were abused themselves.

Source: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics.

10. Studies have found that men are responsible for 80% to 95% of child sexual abuse cases whether the child is male or female.

Source: Thoringer, D.; Krivackska, J.; Laye-McDonough, M.; Jarrison, L.; Vincent, O.; & Hedlund, A. (1988). Prevention of child sexual abuse: An analysis of issues, educational programs and research findings. School Psychology Review. 17(4): 614-636.

11. The majority of victims of men’s violence are other men (76% M, 24% F).

Source: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics.

12. Out of 10,000 cases of road rage, over 95% of them were committed by men.

Source: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, “Aggressive Driving.”
http://www.aaafts.org/Text/agdr3study.pdf 34

13. Approximately three-quarters (76%) of binge drinkers are young males.

Source: 1997 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse.
http://www.samhsa.gov/oas/NHSDA/1997Main/Table of Contents.htm

14. Males cause 86% of all drinking and driving incidents.

Source: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

15. One in 12, or 8.2 million women, will be stalked at some point in their lifetime. Eighty percent of the women stalked by intimates had also been physically assaulted by them.

Source: Justice Department, November 1997

16. Every day, 15 children are killed by guns.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1993.

17. The ratio of drug abuse of males to females is 2 to 1.

Source: http://www.health.org/dawn 35